Admissions Interview

    Required *

    Fall Semester Tuition: $350.00 per class plus $115 semester registration fee that includes PEP WEB library (for one year - paid in the FALL) and PACO membership (for one year -paid in the FALL)

    Spring Semester Tuition: (for returning candidates) $350.00 per class plus $85 semester register fee that includes the graduation luncheon held in May.

    Spring Semester Tuition: (for New candidates) $350.00 per class plus $155.00 semester fees that included PEP Web library, PACO membership and graduation luncheon held in May.

    Tuition is due before class begins.(Fall semester by Sept. 1st; Spring semester by Feb. 1st)

    If you need a monthly payment program, contact Jan Alderisio at

    Refund policy: Half of the tuition will be refunded if less than four classes are taken. After four classes, there will be no refund; credit will remain on the account until candidate returns to the Institute.

    The Candidate is in agreement with the above information. The Candidate understands that a requirement of admission is to submit an original graduate transcript, either electronically or by mail. A copy of your resume and credential(s) are also needed. The Candidate will be notified by mail of their acceptance to NJI for Training in Psychoanalysis and we will provide a candidate handbook at the time.