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The New Jersey Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis
Instructor Evaluation of Candidate for CE requirements
Course: Please write your course number (F= fall S= spring)
Course Name
Your email
Candidate's Name
Candidate's License Number
Has the candidate met all the requirements for the course (assignments/papers)? yesno
Did the candidate attend all the classes? yesno
Please rate the candidate’s level of understanding of the material. ExcellentGoodAveragePoor
In your opinion did the candidate read the assigned material and came prepared for class? YesNoDifficult to Assess
Briefly explain
Did the candidate contribute to class discussions? yesno
Was the candidate able to accept feedback from classmates and instructor (s)? yesno
Please briefly share your thoughts on the candidate’s potential for psychoanalytic training.
Instructors’ Detailed Course Evaluation of Candidate
Did the candidate come prepare to class? Read the material?
Assess the candidate’s ability to understand the readings.
Is the candidate able to integrate theory and practice?
Is the candidate performing at the level of instruction (as a first, second, third, fourth or fifth year of training)?
Is the candidate able to recognize resistances, transference, countertransference, unconscious processes?
How does the candidate relate to other members of the class (is respectful, able to provide feedback in a constructive manner, able to receive feedback from classmates and also the instructor(s)?
Does the candidate exhibit the capacity to be self-reflective and to think psychoanalytically?
Comment on candidates’ ethics.
Could the candidate benefit from extra help? If so, what could be beneficial?
Evaluate the candidate’s overall potential to become a psychoanalyst.