#101 – Normal and Pathological Development – Birth to Adolescence: Candidates will increase their knowledge of how the mind of the child unfolds through patterns of behavior, attachment styles, and psychosocial underpinnings of development, and developmental milestones. Pathological and Regressive shifts due to a failure to achieve successful resolution are multiple and complex.
#102 – Case Presentation of Children and Adolescents: Interventions based on Developmental Levels: This course focuses on assessment of the child and adolescent from a psychoanalytic psychosexual developmental point of view. Each class will consist of the presentation of a case with discussion of the separation-individuation issues, attachment perspectives, the therapeutic alliance with parents, child and adolescent, and the resistances that occur in treatment.
#103 – Transference, Countertransference and Resistance in working with children, adolescents, and parents: This course examines the concepts of Transference, Countertransference, and Resistance as they are expressed, manifested and used in the treatment of children and adolescents as well as in consultation sessions with parents.
#104 – Psychosomatic Disorders and Characterological Issues in Children and Adolescents: This course examines what is meant in the psychoanalytic literature by “Character” and will discuss ways it differs from neurosis and psychosis. The developmental origins in childhood and the differentiation of ego-syntonic vs ego-dystonic concepts will be addressed. The history of Pyschosomatic Discorders particularly as it bears upon modern ideas of the holistic approaches to human beings who are suffering with various ailments will be discussed. The Cartesian mind-body dualism dilemma as well as the contributions of Groddeck, Freud, Ferenczi, and Alexander as well as modern day thinkers such as MdDougall will be addressed.
#105 – Case Presentation: Play Therapy-Theory and Technique: This course examines the techniques and theory of play therapy and its relevance to clinical practice. Students are invited to contribute case presentations to illustrate theory. Students become familiar with Heinz Kohut’s concept of empathic attunement.
#106 – Case Presentation: Art Therapy-Theory and Technique: This course will comprise of both experiential and didactic components. Art Therapy, Art Psychotherapy, and Psychoanalytic Art Therapy, as seen through the lens of Object Relations Theory, will provide students relevance to clinical practice in a variety of settings. Transference and Countertransference, as vital parts of the therapeutic process, will be discusses. Case material, in the form of client art productions, will enable students to learn useful new ways of understanding and relating to their patients.
#107 – Clinical Issues: Planning, Interventions Strategies, and Evaluation: This course provides clinicians with planning, intervention strategies and evaluation for working with children and adolescents. The class construct includes readings, discussions and case presentations.
#108 – Advanced Seminar – Case Formulation and Presentation: Candidates will present their final case study using outline handed out in the class in order to formulate their written and oral case presentation. A review of learned concepts, terms, and theoretical models, as well as technical interventions will be reviewed.