The Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Program
Applications Currently Being Accepted
The child and adolescent psychotherapy program will provide a theoretical framework and practical approach to understanding human development which will, in turn, enhance clinical skills. Participants will increase their knowledge of how the mind of the child unfolds through patterns of behavior, attachment styles, regression, repetition, fixation, and the development of personality. Untangling the web of conflict between parent and child will be explored through the lens of developmental milestones.
The child and adolescent psychotherapy program, is designed to provide a foundation in the principles, theories, and techniques of psychodynamic psychotherapy with children and adolescents. Participants in this program are mental health professionals who wish to develop and hone their clinical skills through classroom learning, mentoring and clinical case discussions.
The participants in this program will gain the support and confidence necessary to develop or expand their private practices or work more effectively with patients in community mental health agencies, schools, universities, and health care settings.
Upon completion of the program, a certificate in child and adolescent psychotherapy will be awarded. In addition, all candidates of the child and adolescent program will receive a certificate in Introduction to Psychoanalysis provided that they complete at least 20 hours of supervision with an NJI certified psychoanalyst and all the courses for the first year.
Program requirements
• Course work – 11 courses and 4 tutorials
• Supervision – 104 hours (tutorials count towards supervision hours)
• Final case presentation
• 140 documented clinical hours working with children and adolescents
• Personal psychotherapy/psychoanalysis. Strongly recommended but not required
• Upon acceptance into the program, it’s recommended that candidates become student members of NAAP (link to
Tuition and Fees:
• Tuition per course $350.00
• Registration, PACO and Pep-Web fees $ 115.00
• Tutorials $50 per session
• Registered candidates pay a nominal fee to attend our fall conference and spring symposium. In addition, NJI offers many events that are free of charge
Year One
Fall semester year one (all courses are taken with the One Year Program candidates and the Advanced Program candidates)
#F101 – Basic Concepts in Psychoanalysis
#F102 – Psychoanalytic Theory of Early Development
#F103 – Case Seminar: Clinical Considerations
Spring semester (all courses are taken with the One Year Program candidates and the Advanced Program candidates)
#S104 – Introduction to Freud
#S105 – Developmental Theory: Latency to Adolescence
#S106 – Case Seminar: Clinical and Ethical Considerations
Year Two
Fall Semester (all courses are taken with the Advanced Program candidates)
#F201 – Transference
#F202 – Psychopathology I
#F203 – Case Seminar: Initial Resistances
Spring Semester
#S 204 – Countertransference (taken with the Advanced Program)
#S 205 – Psychopathology II (taken with the Advanced Program)
Four tutorials (Each tutorial is comprised of 4 sessions-75 minutes each. Each tutorial is five hours). Tutorials are taught as individual supervisory sessions. Candidates will pay $50.00/session to the tutorial supervisor.
Tutorial I = Play Therapy
Tutorial II = Dreams
Tutorial III = Clinical issues with children and adolescents
Tutorial IV = Case formulation/final paper