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Presenter: Mark J. Blechner, Ph.D.

Case Presenter: Burt Seitler, Ph.D.

4 CEU for Social Workers and 4 CE for Licensed Professional Counselors


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*Ticket with CEU Credits $100.00

*Ticket with NO-CEU Credits $80.00

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*Other Institute Candidates/Students $45.00 (with ID)


About This Presentation

Dreams continue to be enormously helpful in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, yet our understanding of how they are formed and the best ways of working with them have changed in many ways.  We will review some of the main ideas of Freud and Jung about dreams, and then explore how those ideas have been changed by discoveries in clinical work and in laboratories.  We will reconsider the use of associations, symbols, and manifest content.  We will explore how a patient’s dreams reveal things about the transference and the countertransference, along with revelations about psychological defenses.  You will come away from this presentation with a new view of how dreams have evolved, how they function in our psychology, and exciting new ways they can best be used to enhance psychological treatment.


Educational Objectives:

  1. Be able to describe five stages in the history of the psychoanalytic theory of dreaming and dream analysis;
  2. Account for three changes in the understanding of dream formation from experimental neuroscientific studies and clinical work with dreams; 
  3. State six new ways that dreams can be understood and worked with in clinical treatment;
  4. Learn three principles involved in group dream work and the benefits of that approach to understanding dreams.


About the Presenter(s)

Mark J. Blechner, Ph.D. is Training and Supervising Analyst at the William Alanson White Institute, and Professor and Supervisor at New York University.  He has published four books: The Mindbrain and Dreams: Explorations of Dreaming, Thinking, and Artistic Creation (2018), Sex Changes: Transformations in Society and Psychoanalysis (2009), The Dream Frontier (2001), and Hope and Mortality (1997).  He is former Editor-in-Chief of the journal Contemporary Psychoanalysis.   He practices psychoanalysis in New York City, where he also runs several dream groups. 

His book The Dream Frontier (Routledge, 2001) has become a widely used text for courses on dreams in universities and psychoanalytic institutes. The Dream Frontier has been praised for its new ideas on how dreams are formed, how to work with them clinically, for integrating the thinking of the major thinkers about dreams, and for exploring the links between dream phenomena, symptoms of brain damage, and research in neurobiology.



Burton N. Seitler, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst in private practice. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the new journal named, J.A.S.P.E.R. International, which stands for the Journal for the Advancement of Scientific Psychoanalytic Empirical Research, published by International Psychoanalytic Books. For over 20 years, he was the Executive Director of the former Counseling And Psychotherapy Services center in Ridgewood and Oakland, NJ and the former Director of the Child Adolescent Psychotherapy Studies program of the New Jersey Institute for Training in Psychoanalysis (NJI). He currently serves as a Supervising Training Analyst, Chair of the Training Board, and member of the faculty of NJI. Dr. Seitler is also on the Editorial Board of the journal, Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, and is on the Board of Directors of the International Society for Ethical Psychology and Psychiatry. In addition, he is a Research Associate of the Psychohistory Forum. He has presented and published over 100 scientific papers locally, as well as internationally, on psychosis, paranoia, suicide, ADHD, autism, resilience, myopia, soma-psyche, neuroscience, forced hospitalization, the DSM, ethnic humor, and a number of other topics.

Deadline to register: October 2, 2020

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