*NOTE: Course credits in our 1-year and 3-year programs will be applied toward the 5-year certification program if candidates choose to pursue additional training.
1-Year Psychotherapy Certificate Program
The 1-Year psychoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy program provides a foundation to the principles, theories, and techniques of psychodynamic psychotherapy. This program will enable the participants to identify and utilize the four major clinical concepts of psychoanalysis: unconscious process, transference, resistance, and countertransference.
Program Requirements:
- Course Work — The curriculum comprises of 6 courses. Students are encouraged to proceed at their own pace.
- Personal Analysis — not required but strongly recommended
- Supervision — not required but strongly recommended
Classes will be held Thursday nights beginning Thursday, October 9, 2014
3-Year Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Certificate Program
This program has been designed to enrich the work of clinical practitioners and professionals in various disciplines by introducing them to psychoanalytic principles, theories, and techniques. By understanding the concepts of transference and resistance, the candidate will be able to work with a wide variety of patients and acquire the skills to develop a better theoretical framework and a practical approach for an effective clinical practice.
Program Requirements:
- Personal Analysis—A minimum of 300 hours of personal analysis at two-times-per week
- Coursework – The curriculum comprises 18 courses. A maximum of three courses may be taken each semester. Students are encouraged to proceed at their own pace.
- Supervision—There will be one year of supervision, followed by two different control analysts (psychoanalytic supervisors) of one year each.
Classes will be held Thursday nights beginning October 9, 2014.
In addition to evening classes, we are now accepting applications for a day program starting Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 10:15-12:00PM and on alternate Wednesdays, 12:15 TO 2:00PM
5-Year Psychoanalytic Certification Program
Our program is the first formal psychoanalytic training program for non-medical professionals in the State of New Jersey to be accredited by the American Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis, Inc. (ABAP). NJI offers a five year postgraduate training program for licensed mental health professionals as well as graduate level professionals in a variety of disciplines. Our training programs are committed to developing and enhancing excellent clinical skills in an atmosphere of stimulating dialogue and instruction.
Program Requirements:
- Personal Analysis — Candidates must complete personal analysis comprised of a minimum of 450 hours with an Institute-approved psychoanalyst.
- Course Work — The curriculum comprises 30 courses. A maximum of three courses may be taken each semester. Students are encouraged to proceed at their own pace.
- Supervision — Throughout the program, all clinical work is supervised by Institute supervisors and control analysts.
- Final Paper and Case presentation – Candidates must write a final paper on a supervised psychoanalytic case.
- Advanced Technical Seminar – Upon successful completion of the five-year curriculum, advanced candidates are required to participate in a technical seminar for two years to aid the candidate in the final stages of case presentation which completes the requirements for graduation.
Classes will be held Thursday nights beginning October 9, 2014.
In addition to evening classes, we are now Accepting Applications for New Day Program starting Wednesday, October 8, 2014, 10:15-12:00PM and on alternate Wednesdays, 12:15 TO 2:00PM